1. The Right to Life
This means, among other things, that no woman’s life should be put at risk by reason of pregnancy, gender or lack of access to health information and services. This also includes the right to be safe and satisfying sex life.
2. The Right to Liberty and Security of the Person
This recognizes that no woman should be subjected to forced pregnancy, forced sterilization or forced abortion.
3. The Right to Equality, and to be free from all Forms of Discrimination
This includes, among other things, freedom from discrimination because of one’s sexuality and reproductive life choices.
4. The Right to Privacy
This means that all sexual and reproductive health care services should be confidential in terms of physical set-up, information given or shared by the clients, and access to records or reports.
5. The Right to Freedom of Thought
This means that all sexual and reproductive health care services should be confidential in terms of physical set-up, information given or shared by the clients, and access to records or reports.
6. The Right to Information and Education
This includes access to full information on the benefits, risks and effectiveness of all methods of fertility regulation, in order that all decisions taken are made on the basis of full, free and informed consent.
7. The Right to Choose Whether or Not to Marry and to Found and Plan a Family
This includes the right of persons to protection against a requirement to marry without his/her consent. It also includes the right of individuals to choose to remain single without discrimination and coercion.
8. The Right to Decide Whether or When to Have Children
This includes the right of persons to decide freely and responsibly the number and spacing of their children and to have access to related information and education.
9. The Right to Health Care and Health Protection
This includes the right of clients to the highest possible quality of health care, and the right to be free from harmful traditional health practices.
10. The Right to the Benefits of Scientific Progress
This includes the right of sexual and reproductive health service of clients to avail of the new reproductive health technologies that are safe, effective, and acceptable.
11. The Right to Freedom of Assembly and Political Participation
This includes the right of all persons to seek to influence communities and governments to prioritize sexual and reproductive health and rights.
12. The Right to be Free From Torture and Ill-Treatment
This includes the rights of all women, men and young people to protection from violence, sexual exploitation and abuse.
13. The Right to Development

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