Sunday, September 19, 2010

Do You Want to Gain Financial Wealth and Spiritual Abundance at the Same Time?

My name is Bo Sanchez.

For twenty years, I was a poor missionary.

It helped that I was single then. I had no babies that needed diapers or a wife to romance on dates or a house mortgage to pay. So poor was okay.

I didn’t need money. I was happy preaching, writing, and doing ministry work among the poor. I really thought that to love the poor, I had to become poor.

I also used to think that to be close to God, I had to be poor too. I had this subconscious belief that money was evil.

But over ten years ago, I began to change my beliefs. (Which by the way is where all radical changes start. As the Bible says, “By your faith, it shall be done unto you.”)

Today, I’m a Truly Rich missionary.

I chose to become an entrepreneur. I now run businesses, invest in real estate properties, and invest in stocks and other paper assets. As of this writing, I have 16 income streams flowing to my life.

Yes, I’m still a missionary. I still preach, write, and work among the poor, lifting them out of poverty. And the impact of my ministry has multiplied a hundred times more.

But in case you’re asking, I don’t drive a luxury car or own a mansion. Oh yes, I can now afford to buy them. But as a personal choice, I’ve decided to remain simple in my lifestyle. Why? Not because it’s wrong to own them. I repeat: It’s a personal choice. But I believe that the ultimate purpose of wealth is to love others. And I’ve made a choice to use a lot of my wealth to make this world a better place.

I’m Truly Rich because of two reasons: My passive income is much more than my monthly expenses—and so I’m able to tithe to God and give sacrificially for the ministry and the poor.

And that’s what I want you to experience.

Friend, I want to stop talking about me and start talking about you. I want you to enjoy the same blessing in your life. And the key is to change your beliefs and thinking…

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