Sunday, September 19, 2010

To Change Your Beliefs & Get Your 7 Free Blessings!

How could something as simple as GodWhispers change your life?

Here’s why: Your beliefs are very powerful.

Your beliefs are so powerful, they determine your whole destiny.

And from my experience, two of the most important beliefs that determine your destiny are beliefs about who you are and who God is.

These two crucial beliefs—(1) who you think you are and (2) who you think God is—will shape your entire future. Trust me, your happiness and success in life depends on these two beliefs!

And that’s where GodWhispers come in. If you read GodWhispers daily, over time, I’m convinced it can change these two crucial beliefs.

How do I know?

Let me tell you my story…
Where My Distorted Beliefs Come From

When I was a child, I was sexually molested.

Though a victim, I blamed myself.

I found myself hating myself. I felt dirty. I felt ugly.

As the years went by, I developed a sexual addiction that messed up my life for many, many years. But worse than that, I developed a shame-based personality.

For years, I would wake up every morning feeling a deep sadness in my heart. At first, I didn’t know why I felt so much despair in me. It was only much later that I discovered what it was: I realized I was ashamed about who I was. I was ashamed that I was alive. I was ashamed that I even existed!

I was desperate for people to like me—so I would bend over backwards to get people to like me. If people didn’t like me, I panicked. I felt I was dying inside.

My sexual addiction was simply a hunger for love. And not being able to get that love, I chose a substitute—which was sexual fantasies and pornography. They were my anaesthesia to deaden the pain inside.

The funny thing was that early on, when I was 12 years old, I came to a personal relationship with God. But somehow, my addictions and my deep-seated shame continued and even worsened. I didn’t know why I wasn’t being healed.

Years later, I realized why: My image of God had to be healed first.

You see, once upon a time, I thought that God was a judgmental God. I thought that when God looked at me, all He saw were my sins and my weaknesses.

I began to heal when I began to change my beliefs about God.

How? I bombarded my mind with the correct image of God. (How I wish I had someone else sending me GodWhispers then!)

I learned that beliefs don’t change overnight. Changing one’s beliefs means creating new neural pathways in our brain.

Let me explain how this works.

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